2006 - 2007 Harvest Pics:
Photo Album
>>Steve's doe - our 1st deer of the 2006 Season harvested Saturday
morning and a healthy deer at 115 pounds!
>>Coleman's doe - our 2nd of the season and a whopper at 145
pounds!!  Killed Sat afternoon on my new Cutover Stand.
>>Taylor's doe - our 3rd of the season and a good one at 125
pounds.  See that smile??  1st deer from the Gate Stand!!
Steve Jennings
11/18/06 AM
Doe Deer
7mm Rifle
Taylor's Hill Stand
Coleman Grimmett
11/18/06 PM
Doe Deer
.25-06 Rifle
Coleman's Cutover
Taylor Jennings
Doe Deer
.243 Rifle
Gate Stand
Danny Michael (Guest)
Doe Deer
.50 cal
Gate Stand
Coleman Grimmett
Buck Deer
.25-06 Rifle
Coleman's Cutover
10 point - 14.5"
wide, 20" main
Parker Hudson (Guest)
Doe Deer
.243 Rifle
Black Box / Food Plot
Coleman Grimmett
Buck Deer
.25-06 Rifle
Coleman's Corner
8 point
Taylor Jennings
Buck Deer
.243 Rifle
Long Field Frames
Coleman Grimmett
Buck Deer
NE Stand
8 point - massive,
just see pics
Alex Jennings
Doe Deer
20 GA - Slug
Gate Stand
Victoria Morris
Doe Deer
Hot Dog Stand Long
2006 - 2007 Harvest Stats:
>>Coleman's 10 Point!  This was my first buck of the season.  He was
being chased pretty hard by our hunting neighbor's dogs (we don't
run dogs) and I had to grunt to get him to stop.  I couldn't shoot fast
enough and he started off again and I tried one more loud grunt as a
last resort - he stopped and I took the best shot I had at the middle of
his body around the last ribs - the angle was great and he only ran
25 yards before piling up!!!  I let out a lot of hoots!!!  See more
pictures at the Coleman's 10 Point link!!  These pictures show me
getting some help from Steve, Alex, Taylor and Elwyn in the field and
at the skinning rack!!
Coleman's 10 Point!
>>This is Elwyn's Conservation League buck (not Whippoorwill for those that don't
know).  I don't have any info yet about points, size or a story to list.  He did not brag
enough in the email he sent me with pictures!! - Update to come on this one....
>>This is Parker Hudson (Clint's little brother) with a doe he got from the black box
stand.  Clint was hunting with him at the time when a group of does came out in the
food plot just before dark.  After some quick rearranging, Parker was able to get
positioned for the shot and made a perfect one after Clint stopped the deer just
before they spooked!!  Congrats Parker and Clint on a great brother-team hunt!!
>> This is my second buck of the season and what a hunt!!  (First ever 2-buck
season for me!)  I was in my corner stand and about 3:30 I saw a doe running the
ridge beside me.  The I heard grunt-grunt but never saw the buck.  About 4:00 the
same doe was coming over the edge of the ridge toward me.  Then another larger
doe came down after that and offered a perfect 40 yard shot but I passed to wait on
a buck.  I heard something behind me and turned to see a huge turkey Gobbler.  It
walked in and then roosted in the tree next to me.  I then looked up and saw
movement and noticed two more deer, a spike and this buck.  They came in and
then the 8 point saw the doe and started following her.  I couldn't find him in my
scope through all the trees and finally did but he was walking away about 60 yards
out.  I noticed the tall tines and figured its now or never.  I picked an opening and
when he walked into it I pulled the trigger... I had forgotten about the turkey and he
erupted out of the tree!  Then the spike took off too and I about had a nervous
breakdown from all the excitement.  Then I noticed the bush in front of me shaking
and I thought oh no, I hit the branch.  I quickly got down to look for blood but saw no
sign.  I walked to where the deer ran up the ridge and he was lying right there on top
of it - he had not gone but 30 or 40 yards and my shot had been perfect in the
shoulder!!  There are larger deer I have killed but this was by far one of my best
hunts ever!!
>>Taylor got this nice spike (first buck!) while hunting with his brother Alex and
grandfather Excel in the old stand frames in the long field.  A doe came out, then a
few more and Excel said "be patient, I bet a buck is back there".. .then some
movement in the woods and this guy stepped out.  Taylor made a great shoulder
shot and put him down quickly.  Congrats Taylor on your first BUCK!!
>>Jan 6:  This is the reason I hunt!  Finally after several years another wall-hanger.  
This stud is a massive 8 point - long tines, heavy beams - so much character - I am
very proud of this one!!  My story is short and sweet - my watch said peak movement
time would be 8:35 AM.  Clint had suggested the stand and it just felt right today.   
From daylight until 8:30 I tried rattling, the Primos Can, buck grunts on my Primos
Hardwood grunter - nothing.  Then I adjusted the reed to doe bleat and grunted 5
times.  I thought the call was too loud as it bellowed through the woods.  Then an
immediate crash behind me and the deepest and loudest live deer grunt I have ever
heard and this guy came bursting out of some pines behind two does.  I saw the tall
rack and immediately knew he was a shooter - only he was on the wrong side of the
tree.  I stood up to turn around and one of the does spotted me and stopped and
looked up.  I found the buck in the crosshairs (on his forehead) and said please,
please step out of the thicket...I can't take a HEAD SHOT!  The doe started running
again and so did he - I let out a loud MAAAANNNNKKKK and he stopped, offering a
clear shoulder shot.  BOOM!!  I was so nervous that I bolted a shell, unbolted it, put
the round in my pocket and then came to my senses and reloaded.  When I looked
down at my watch it said 8:36 and a few seconds - surely this was coincidental!  
Then I heard a crash and said "
Thank you Lord".  I called over the radio but couldn't
get anyone to respond.  Once my nerves settled I got down to where he ran and
crossed over a trail and found hoof prints...then blood...then lots of blood...and
about 40 yards down on the edge of the ridge he was down!!!  I went over and he
was larger than I had expected - glad I had only looked briefly at his antlers and
didn't have too much time to get nervous!  When Clint showed up to help we
high-fived and looked in awe.  At the skinning rack I found the shot was perfect in the
shoulder and right through the heart.  I lucked out and bucked out (limit of 3 bucks
for the year) for the very first time!!  What an unbelievable season!  This one earned
the name "
The 8:36 Buck" and I'll remember him a long time because he will soon
adorn my wall!  Thank you Lord!
>>Alex's great neck-shot put this doe down!!  He was hunting with his dad, Steve
when several does offered the shot.  The 20 gauge slug did the job!
>>Victoria was hunting with sister Courtney and dad David when a few does walked
into the long field.  She made a great shot and here's the picture of her doe!